Sound Good?

Even short hikes should be planned accordingly.

Be smart. Wear proper footwear when going for a hike to be prepared for the Maine outdoors.

Sandals for an easy hike? Better not risk it. Wear proper footwear to be prepared. Sound good?

Be Smart. Be Prepared.?

Hiking is a great way to get outside and enjoy Maine, but as a Keeper of the Maine Outdoors, you should be conscious of what could happen and be prepared – as the saying goes, “plan for the worst and hope for the best!”

Keeper Quiz

Question 1 of 5

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has more than 300 employees.

Keeper Quiz

Question 2 of 5

Black bears are herbivores (eat plants only).

Keeper Quiz

Question 3 of 5

Black bears are most active in Maine during January - April.

Keeper Quiz

Question 4 of 5

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife's Warden Service has 9 Special Teams.

Keeper Quiz

Question 5 of 5

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife's tagline is "All In For The Maine Outdoors".

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